Monday, February 9, 2009


Well, Katie had quite the eventful 13 year old "Well Child Visit" to the doctor. Poor girl figured it would be just normal, but she ended up getting a meningitis vaccine, flu shot, & Hep A shot plus the doctor sent her over for x-rays to check her back because it looked curved. The upshot is that she got referred to the scoliosis clinic who says she has a 17% curve in her spine. At this point they will just check her again in 6 months to see if its changed. At 25% they use a back brace, at 50% they do surgery. They don't know what causes it, but right around puberty is when it can really go out of whack. Oh, she also has 1 leg 1/2 inch shorter than the other than is contributing, but since she is growing, that may even out. So lucky, lucky Katie. Don't you just love those "well child visits???" The very sad thing is that they had a scoliosis check at her school the week after her doctor visit & didn't find anything. I am so glad they paid that person to come in (NOT) So that is the latest with Katie.

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