Monday, November 9, 2009


Here are pictures of our Halloween fun. We went trick or treating with Adam & Stacie/ Mindy & Mike & Hyrum & Hannah. It's fun to have the cousins get together and do fun stuff like that. Katie went to a friends house.

Adam, Hyrum, Kennedy, Hannah & Mackenzie

I made the girls costumes this year. It was alot of work &I'm not quite sure when I went insane and decided that making costumes was a good idea. Oh well. They can wear them for the next 40 years.....

How do you like my black lipstick? I look like I sucked a lemon :(

Mackenzie & Hannah

Mackenzie's pumpkin

Drew was Fred Flintst0ne this year.

The pumpkin brigade.

Katie thought the green scum was a good idea. Um, whatever.

And this is what Katie came up with for her pumpkin. What can I possibly say about this?????

Kennedy & Adam

Stacie brought Adam over to the school carnival to have fun with Kennedy & Mackenzie

Katie wore this to school for her costume. Instead of the costume I spent hours on. Yeah. Not happy.

Mackenzie told everyone she was Felicity the American Girl.

For dance class the girls dressed up like this. Katie did a school uniform (Kennedy actually wears this to school minus the tie) I tried to do the big hair & 80's look for Kennedy.

That girl can pose

Katie's costume. That required a zipper (hated sewing item #1) and chiffon sleeves (hated sewing item #2). That she didn't wear to school OR on Halloween.

Kennedy & her best friend Annaliese getting ready to go trick or treating for canned goods for the food bank for Activity Day Girls activity.

Holly Hobbie

Katie filmed a zombie commercial with her school friend & the girls dressed up as scary zombies.

This is one of my favorite cakes from cake decorating class. Even though my ghosts look like amoebas. I liked spraying it black. I need one of those air compressor thingies.


Amber said...

It looks like you guys had a great Halloween! I am impressed with you sewing skills, those dresses turned out really good!

Unknown said...

cool pictures!@
u have a wonderful blog.
Interesting post and a beautiful theme
Congratulations! @